Тимъти Сайкс - мъжът, който стана милионер, докато пътуваше (Снимки)

Тимъти Сайкс - мъжът, който стана милионер, докато пътуваше (Снимки)
Снимка: Getty Images/Guliver


Тимъти Сайкс описва себе си като "пристрастен към пътуванията". И определено може да си позволи да е такъв, тъй като е успял да натрупа милиони само благодарение на собствената си съобразителност.

Преди няколко години Сайкс решава да играе на борсата със спестяванията си - около 12 000 долара. Постепенно започва да печели по 5000 долара на седмица. Днес вече разполага с над 4 милиона в сметките си, като през цялото време не спира да пътува.

"Не съм роден в богато семейство. Поставих си предизвикателство да изкарам поне един милион и го изпълних. Човек трябва да има големи мечти", казва Сайкс пред news.com.au.

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Throwback to the great #officeview I had at #villahonegg in #switzerland as it exemplifies the kind of intense focus that I utilize in my #stocktrading and #teaching day in, day out, week in, week out, month in, month out, year in, year out, decade in, decade out no matter where I am in the world no matter how beautiful of a view I have and I have to be obnoxious about it to emphasize the point that it takes ridiculous amounts of #dedication and #patience to achieve the most lasting success over time and too many people don’t have the proper perspective or preparation required. It’s not their fault, it’s mainly the fault of their teachers and parents, who simply don’t know what it takes to become part of the richest 1% and I myself didn’t even fully understand what was required until I began trying to create #millionaire students from scratch 10 years ago ...now this is why I have several #millionaires as students now, all of whom have started with just a few thousand dollars to their name a few years ago. You want to see what my obsession looks like, sure, let’s take tomorrow for example when I am giving a 7-hour live #daytrading webinar in which I’ll most likely lose my voice by days end, but fuck it, my students are worth it and NOBODY is as dedicated or crazy as this motherfucken teacher :) #fuckworklifebalance #theobsessionisreal #studyhard #proudteacher #whatittakes #nodaysoff #nofuckendaysoff #nofucksgiven #officewithaview #jewswithviews #jewishinstinct

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Богаташът вече има и своя онлайн академия, в която преподава как да се изкарват пари на борсата. В нея се обучават близо 6000 души от различни държави.

Самият Сайкс казва, че посещава около 15 - 20 страни на година. В профила си в Instagram често публикува снимки от красиви места, на които обаче е с лаптоп на коленете - не оставя работата си за дълго.

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People ask if I’ve ever dropped my #laptop while showing off the #laptoplifestyle in polls, lakes and oceans all over the world and the answer is sadly, yes...too many times...like this nasty accident in #coron #phillipines captured in the moment of destruction by the great #filipino photographer @ninjarod who tried cheering me up, and did, by then taking me to his favorite spots in the nearby #twinlagoon but sad to say this badass #pool at @twoseasonsphilippines killed my laptop which was also stupidly enough was not fully backed up! What can you do, shit happens...like me working too hard lately and getting a nasty #farmerstan but also building more schools with @karmagawa and creating more #millionaire students from scratch so you gotta take the good with the bad! #doh #mondaymemories #idiot #morefuninthephilippines #shithappens #twoseasons #poolside #accidental #deadlaptop #dumbjew

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"Прекарвам около 75% от времето си на път. Редовно посещавам места, свързани с благотворителните инициативи, на които правя дарения. Фондацията ми вече е помогнала за изграждането на 40 училища в различни точки на света, новата ми цел е те да станат 100", казва още милионерът.

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Perhaps the best thing about being a #stocktrader is the freedom to travel ANYWHERE and ANYTIME as you can just setup a #mobileoffice wherever you are! All you need is a #laptop or #smartphone and ideally a #hotspot too...but it’s also not easy as you must have a ton of knowledge and practice to avoid being part of the 90% of traders who lose due to lack of preparation. So, you must #practice and #studyhard and #workhard every single day, even if you’re in #southafrica playing with #penguins as great opportunities can pop up at anytime! For example, today was an awesome day for several of my top students thanks to crazy #pennystocks like CVSI and SSC with my 3rd #millionaire student @stevendux_1994 profiting $100,000+ even as he’s about to board a flight and newest six-figure profit student @mikehuddie making over $5,000 trading from #italy and also so many more students making $1,000-$2,000 today too...I’ll have a full video recap on my Youtube channel tomorrow, just give me some time as I keep hearing from more and more students as my weekend watchlist predicted CVSI’s panic today PERFECTLY so everyone was prepared ahead of time! #workfromanywhere #laptoplifestyle #alwaysprepared #preparationiskey #penguinlove #bouldersbeach #nodistractions #knowledgeispower #tia #travelblogger #traveladdict #fuckcubicles #jewbicle

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